The Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter (2023)

The N-1 Starfighter dropped last fall and it’s a beauty. As seen on Disney Plus in THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT and THE MANDALORIAN Season 3, Hasbro did a great job bringing this from television to our toy shelves.

Here’s more pictures from the box.

It comes with exclusive figures of The Mandalorian and Grogu, with Mando being on card and Grogu loose in a bag.

The Mando figure is similar enough to other releases that I’m going to leave it in the package. In the following pictures, I used the Mando figure that came with the Razor Crest.

The N-1 comes with a stand that allows it to be displayed as if in flight.

Here’s a closer look at the exclusive Grogu figure.

The N-1 also comes with a display piece that lets it hover a little off the ground.

The new R5-D4 figure (sold separately) has a removable head that can be placed on the N-1, as seen in THE MANDALORIAN Season 3.

Perhaps we’ll see more of the N-1 in the upcoming Mandalorian movie that will come to theaters in the next couple of years.

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